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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Senjata Masa Depan AS Hanya Seekor Serangga(Indonesia)

  Sebagaimana yang telah diketahui masyarakat dunia, bahwa Amerika Serikat memiliki beragam cara untuk dapat memasuki, mengawasi dan melakukan aksi militer di sebuah negara. Termasuk di negara-negara yang saat ini sedang dilanda konflik, dan mereka anggap sebagai sarang teroris.

The Daily Mail, mengabarkan bahwa pihak militer Amerika sedang mengembangkan sebuah alat canggih lainnya, sebuah alat mikro berbentuk lebah yang dapat dikendalikan dari jarak jauh. Para peneliti tersebut membangun seekor serangga robot, memiliki mata seperti kumbang, telinga seperti kelelawar dan tubuh menyerupai lebah.

Serangga robot ini berfungsi untuk mencari daerah konflik yang sulit untuk dijangkau, dan untuk menemukan korban yang terjebak oleh situasi berbahaya.

Angkatan Udara AS mengakui bahwa pihaknya telah menggunakan serangga robot ini sebagai alat penyusup yang tidak terdeteksi oleh musuh, sehingga mampu memotret, merekam bahkan menyerang teroris tanpa diketahui

Indonesia akan Membuat Satelit Pertahanan Siber(Indonesia)

Komisi I Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat mendukung mendukung penuh pemerintah untuk segera mengembangkan sistem pertahanan siber dan memiliki satelit khusus untuk kepentingan sektor pertahanan, keamanan, intelijen dan luar negeri.

Hal itu merupakan salah satu butir rekomendasi hasil rapat antara Komisi I DPR dengan Menteri Pertahanan, Menteri Luar Negeri, Kapolri, Kepala BIN, Lemsaneg, Mensesneg dan Menkominfo terkait kasus penyadapan yang dilakukan oleh Australia, Kamis 28 November 2013.

"Pemerintah perlu mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan dalam merealisasikan pengadaan satelit khusus itu," kata Ketua Komisi I DPR Mahfudz Siddiq di Gedung DPR, Jakarta.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusdiantoro mengatakan, Indonesia memang membutuhkan keamanan dalam dunia maya. Sebab, saat ini, infrastruktur pertahanan siber di Indonesia masih menyewa sehingga tak terlalu mengagetkan bila mudah disadap.

"Kan ada dua infrastruktur, sistem keamanan informasi dan sistem keamanan komunikasi. Selama ini kita kebobolan karena satelit yang ada sewaan, bukan milik kita. Sehingga begitu mudah terjadi penyadapan," kata Purnomo.

Pembangunan keamanan dunia maya ini yang direncanakan pemerintah ini kata dia, memang sangat diperlukan. "Untuk bangun cyber defense regulasi harus diperbaiki, karena sekarang bukan lagi hukum sektor riil tapi juga hukum dunia maya," ujar dia.

Selain sistem keamanan yang perlu ditingkatkan, kata dia, kualitas sumber daya manusianya juga perlu ditingkatkan. "Demikian pula dengan kelembagaannya. Sekarang ini cyber defense antara Kemenhan dengan ID SIRTI di bawah Kemenkominfo," kata dia.

"Ada yang namanya Indonesia Search Responsible System. Ini kenapa yang tidak kita majukan ini. Cyber crime baru ada di kepolisian. Kalau cyber defense perlu diperkokoh kelembagaannya, perlu daftar infrastruktur kritis," kata dia.

Liyangan, Kota Mataram Kuno yang Hilang(Indonesia)

Liyangan diperkirakan pada jaman dahulu adalah salah satu komplek perdusunan yang terkubur akibat bencana erupsi Sindoro. Belum di ketahui pada abad berapa Liyangan ini terkubur oleh lahar dari Gunung Sindoro.
Penemuan Situs Liyangan memperkuat hipotesis bahwa deretan pegunungan Merapi, Sindoro, Sumbing, dan Dieng menjadi semacam poros berkembangnya kawasan Mataram Kuno. Jawa Tengah berkembang menjadi pusat budaya klasik pada abad 7-10.

Situs desa Liyangan yang ditemukan di tempat penambangan galian pasir di Desa Purbosari, Kecamatan Ngadirejo, Kabupaten Temanggung diduga kuat merupakan tempat tinggal masyarakat pada masa pemerintahan Kerajaan Mataram Kuno. Liyangan merupakan situs purbakala yang ditemukan di lereng Gunung Sindoro pada 2009.
Pihaknya juga menduga, Liyangan ini merupakan kawasan Mataram Kuno yang terkubur oleh letusan gunung Sindoro yang terjadi 1.000 tahun lalu. Material yang mengubur kompleks Liyangan ini merupakan aliran piroklastik atau awan panas Sindoro.
Gunung Sindoro yang terlihat tenang dan anggun ternyata menyimpan seribu mistery, Bemmelen seorang peneliti Belanda mengatakan bahwa, pada tahun 1600 - 1617 Sindoro pernah meletus dengan hebatnya dan meluluh-lantakkan desa-desa yang berada di kakinya, hal ini yang diperkirakan telah mengubur Situs Liyangan sedalam 10 M di bawah permukaan tanah. Diperkirakan, situs itu dibangun pada zaman Mataram Hindu pada abad 9 Masehi.

Situs Liyangan berupa perkampungan Mataram Kuno yang berada di ketinggian 1.200 dpl pada lereng gunung Sindoro, penemuan benda arkeologis di Liyangan tidak hanya berupa candi, namun juga terdapat tempat peribadatan, perkampungan dan lahan pertanian kuno. Liyangan adalah sebuah kota yang hilang selama berabad-abad dan baru terkuak ke permukaan akibat penambangan pasir liar pada tahun 2008. Berdasarkan gambaran hasil survei, Liyangan adalah salah satu kompleks situs permu****n, situs ritual dan pertanian.

Penemuan alat-alat kebutuhan sehari-hari menunjukkan kawasan ini dahulu kala memang sebuah tempat hunian. Benda- benda yang banyak ditemukan antara lain pipisan dan gandik yang merupakan alat penggerus obat-obatan pada zaman dahulu. Tak hanya situs perumahan masyarakat, kawasan yang berada di lereng Gunung Sindoro ini diduga juga menjadi area pertanian.

Wilayah Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya, atau pada masa silam merupakan wilayah Mataram Kuno, punya riwayat panjang kebencanaan.

Friday, May 16, 2014


well . i don't know if you heard this or you even interested with it but if you wanted to install chainfire3D on any other android 4.1 + you will get boot loop.

luckily while i was surfing . i found this tool which called GLTOOLS
anyway here is the thread link :

How to install then?

1-download the apk ( better ver 1.07 )
2-Put it in sd card
3-create folder and call it : Plugins
4-Download PowerVR . Nvidia . Qualcomm . the normal plugins of chainfire3d . you can find them here :
5-Put them in that folder
6-install the program .. after it get installed go to menu and open it
7-THE MOST IMPORTANT THING : TICK ON TEX ... you will find it over the 3 boxes to tick .. then tick them all and click install
8-phone will restart then you will enjoy the program
9-you can choose plugins and more options such as antialising and so on things in each program's settings

At the end : i didn't create it or even help in the process of creating this program and all the rights reserved to it's owner the genius : n0n3m4 

and to the owner n0n3m4 : words can't describe how thankful i am to you . i was trying to find way to use chainfire3d .. but now it's from the past .. there are few things the program still needs but it's freaking awesome .. if gangstar wch worked . then i would crown you as the GANGSTAR KING 


NEW ASUS ZENFONE 5(Indonesian)

Ingin punya smartphone dengan spesifikasi canggih tapi budget terbatas? Ya, pilih saja Asus Zenfone 5. Mengapa aku rekomendasikan Asus Zenfone 5? Karena dengan harga 2.1 juta kalian bisa mendapatkan Asus Zenfone 5 dengan spesifikasi canggih yang tidak ditemui oleh smartphone dari vendor lain dengan harga serupa 

Adapun spesifikasi canggihnya yakni :

  • Processor INTEL ATOM Z2580 Dual-core 2 GHz
  • GPU PowerVR SGX544MP2
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 8 GB Storage
  • Android Jelly Bean v4.3 dan dapat diupgrade ke Android KitKat v4.4.2
  • Kamera 8 MP Autofocus+LED Flash dengan Pixel Master Technology yang mampu memotret gambar lebih clear walaupun dalam kondisi minim cahaya
  • Layar lebar 5 inch dengan resolusi HD 720x1280
  • Corning Gorilla Glass 3 yang memproteksi layar dari goresan
Dimensions 148.2 x 72.8 x 5.5-10.3, Weight : 145 g, Available Colors : 
Charcoal Black, Pearl White, Cherry Red, Champagn Gold, Twilight Purple

Asus Zenfone 5 memiliki desain minimalis dan stylish. Sudut yang melengkung di bodynya memberikan kenyaman saat digenggam. Bodynyapun terbilang tipis (bagian tertipisnya mencapai 5.5 mmsementara itu bagian tertebalnya 10.3 mm). Case belakangnya berbahan doph yang membuat memegang smartphone ini tidak akan terasa licin.

Asus Zenfone memiliki bezel depan bagian bawah yang berkilau yang terbuat dari bahan metal chrome dan memiliki pola melingkar. Hal ini membuat Asus Zenfone cukup elegan seperti halnya lini produk Asus Ultrabook

Chipset Intel Atom Z2580 CPU Dual-core 2 GHz, GPU PowerVR SGX544MP2, Internal 8 GB, 1 GB RAM, microSD up to 64 GB


10.Kalashnikov AK-47
Kalashnikov AK – 47
This powerful gun is important compare to other guns from decades.It was initially planned by the USSR for the current warfare.It has the skill to shoot 580 rounds in just a minute.It is still utilize by several security agencies at the present time.

9.Heckler Koch HK MG4 MACHINE GUN
Heckler Koch HK MG4 MG 43 Machine Gun

It is produced by Heckler and Koch the Germany company.It was developed and designed 1990s and started in 2001.It has skill to shoot highest rounds in least time and hit the aim straight.It was also knowed as killer machine as it never misses the target.

8..Heckler Koch HK416 ASSAULT RIFLE
Heckler and Koch HK416 Assault Rifle

This the greatest rifle planned by the famous Heckler and Koch.It is even measured as the updated edition of American M4.It is at the position eight in the ranking of most dangerous guns in the world.

7.Thompson M192 MACHINE GUN

Thompson M192 Machine Gun

It has the skill to shoot 600 rounds in just a minute.It is the best for security reasons.


 F-2000 Assault Rifle
Produced by FN HERSTAL the Belgium company.This was initiated for the initial time in the Abhu Dhabi in 2001.This deadly weapon has a NATO caliber of 5.56x45m that makes this very powerful.



This gun was lenghtily utilized in the 2nd World War beause it`s unbelievable speed.

4.XM307 ACSW Advanced heavy machine gun


This gun was planned by the American army that is activated by two people.It shoots approx 260 rounds in just aminute with preciseness and accuracy.


3rd Most Dangerous Gun in the world : Uzi Sub-machine Gun

This gun was planned in Israel by Uzi Gal.This gun is measured as the small but usefull package for the expert shooters.

2.Thompson M1921 Sub-Machine Gun

2nd Most Dangerous Gun in the world  : Thompson M1921 Sub-machine Gun

This is very efective and amazing gun that is utilize by a good of officials,soldiers,cops,agencies etc regularly.It is even used by many criminals all over the worl.

1.DSR-Precision DSR 50 Sniper Rifle

Top 10 Most Dangerous Guns in the World : DSR Precision DSR 50 Sniper-Rifle

This amazing gun is top 10 most dangerous due to its deadly killing power and range.It has 7.62x51mm and 660 mm NATO caliber.


Top 10 Greatest Historical Warriors

Tlacateccatl  10
The Aztecs were famous soldiers and ruthless in battle. They were usually dressed like animals like the eagle or the jaguar. They used pretty primitive weapons like clubs and bows but used them with great effectiveness. The “Shorn Ones” (Cuachicqueh) were the greatest warriors and as soon as the enemy came they swore they would not take another step back. They were eventually defeated by the Spaniards with much more modern weapons but they were a great empire in large part due to their great warriors.

Historical Mongol Warriors 1  9
The Mongols were considered barbarians and savages. They dominated Europe and Asia and were most famous for riding on horseback lead by one of the greatest military commanders in history, Genghis Kahn. They were highly disciplined and masters with using the bow and arrow on horse back. They used a composite bow that could rip through armor and were also pretty good with lances and scimitars. They were masters of psychological warfare and intimidation, and built one of the largest empires the world has ever seen.
Mamluke-1  8
A mamluk was a slave soldier who converted to Islam and served the Muslim caliphs and the Ayyubid sultans during the Middle Ages. Over time, they became a powerful military caste often defeating the Crusaders. On more than one occasion, they seized power for themselves; for example, ruling Egypt in the Mamluk Sultanate from 1250–1517. After mamluks had converted to Islam, many were trained as cavalry soldiers. Mamluks had to follow the dictates of furusiyya, a code that included values such as courage and generosity, and also cavalry tactics, horsemanship, archery and treatment of wounds, etc.
Roman Legion
Roman-Standards  7
The backbone of the Roman army that led to an empire that was unrivaled in terms of size and power. They were usually heavy infantry with armor and a shield modeled after the ancient Greeks. They were masters of the sword and spear combination going along with a shield. They were made up of the wealthiest soldiers that could afford to make the best weapons and armor. They were disciplined, well-armed, and had great strategy which lasted beyond their empire.
Apache-Warrior  6
The apaches were like the ninjas of America. They would sneak up behind you and slit your throat without you even knowing. They used primitive weapons made mostly of wood and bone. They were also the greatest knife fighters the world has ever seen and were pretty good with the tomahawk and throwing ax. They terrorized the southwest United States and even the military had trouble beating them. They were great hit and run fighters and their descendants teach modern day special fighters how to fight in hand to hand combat.
Samurai  5
The samurai were the knights of Japan and the masters of the katana. They were heavily armed soldiers covered in armor and willing to die for their masters. They wielded the sharpest sword the world has ever seen and it could easily slice a man in two. They were also masters of the yumi (bow) and were some of the best shots of the ancient world. They were like professional soldiers and were harshly trained and fought knowing their honor was on the line. Due to their violent habits, peasants soon rose up against them and the ninja was born.
Takawithbo  4
The ninja were the masters of stealth and sabotage. They were originally peasants trained to defeat marauding samurai, but the eventually became the legendary assassins that most people think of today. They are known for using a Kanata like sword, blowgun, ninja stars, and kusarigama which would be my weapon of choice. They are known for being stealthy shadow warriors of the night. They greatly feared for their ability to kill and just disappear. They were also great martial artists and underwent rigorous training.
51C85 E54867982220Aa345C33Bcce29A6A02B  3
Vikings – the terror of Europe. The most feared warrior of the ancient world. They terrorized Europe with their raids and pillaging. They were ferocious in battle and used weapons that suited their stature. They were big and mean and used their axes, swords, and spears expertly in the conquering of cities. Even their religion was about war and they believed when you died in battle you fought once again in a never ending battle. They were all you would want in a soldier and proved it on the battlefield by destroying all in their paths. On the flip-side, they were also incredibly good traders so they also brought much good to Europe.
Screen Shot 2010-04-20 At 5.17.05 Am  2
You thought they would be number one didn’t you? The Spartan culture was all about war and training men for war their entire lives. They had a saying: “come back with the shield or on top of it” which means don’t come back unless you are victorious. They were some of the toughest soldiers the world had ever seen and have become infamous for their last stand at the battle of Thermopylae. They were masters of the shield and spear combination that was later copied by many other armies.
Bayeux-Tapestry  1
Knights were great warriors clad in full body armor on horseback. The warrior of feudal Europe, the protector of kings. They were the richest, most trained warriors, and had the armor, weapons, and horses to get the job done. They were among the toughest soldiers in history to kill because of their armor. They were highly effective soldiers that had trained almost their entire lives (due to boys of the day wanting to grow up to be one) and became the tank of the ancient world. The reason they are listed as item 1 – instead of Spartans (which most people would have expected) is that knights were also expected to behave in a moral manner and from the fact that most did, we have the term chivalrous which comes from old French chevalier meaning “knight”. The knight was the perfect example of a warrior and a gentleman.